Bell Fibe
For users of in Ontario and Quebec, we strongly recommending switching to Bell Fibe. Especially in Ottawa and Montreal, where almost every other ISP unfortunately routes local traffic to Toronto (or worse), which adds significant latency.
In Ottawa, Toronto, and Montreal, if you are on Bell Fibe (FTTH), you can get latency to our servers in your city that will be between 1 – 5ms.
If you then have a low-latency audio interface, you can get overall delays in Jamulus of between 10 – 18ms which is like being about 6 to 10 feet apart in the same room. This will produce an amazing experience.
Why you want fibre (to the home)
A fibre Internet connection will produce the lowest possible latency and jitter, much more bandwidth, and more reliability.
The best connection you can get is fibre-to-the-home (FTTH). This means that Bell will bring optical fibre cable right into your residence. Unfortunately this is not available in all areas.
Some places can only get fibre to a point that is some distance away from the residence and then copper (telephone) cable is used the rest of the way. This is known as fibre-to-the-curb (FTTC) which is sometimes called fibre-to-the-node (FTTN). One problem with FTTC/FTTN is that you never know exactly how low the latency will be because it will depend on how far you are from the fibre node. In Ottawa we’ve seen people on FTTC/FTTN with latency to our servers as low as 5 to 6ms (compared to 2 – 5ms on FTTH) but some as high as 15ms.
FTTH is what you want, if you can get it. You will know if FTTH is an option if the upload and download bandwidth being offered are the same. If the download bandwidth is greater than the upload bandwidth (e.g. 50 Mbps down and 10 Mbps up), then it is not FTTH but rather FTTC/FTTN.
Discount for switching to Bell Fibe
If you switch to Bell Fibe through the contact below, you can get a discount of $30 per month for the first twelve months on any Bell Fibe plan. You may also be able to keep this discount going by speaking to customer retention when the initial period is coming to a close. We have at least one subscriber who has been on a similar Bell Fibe discount plan for a number of years.
We get no commission from this deal and have no affiliation with the agent whatsoever. This discount was actually found by one of our subscribers and many of our subscribers have taken advantage of it.
In most cases, with this discount, you will pay less than you are paying to your current ISP and you will get way better Internet which will be of benefit for everything you do online and not just for using Remember to look to see if you can get FTTH. This will typically start with Fibe 150 but it is also avaialble in some areas with packages as low as Fibe 15.
To get the discount, contact Theo:
613-299-5662 – Theo the sales rep
343-548-8516 – Martin his supervisor